Attendees of the Osaka or Tokyo workshop entitled “Using and Adapting Authentic Materials to Help Motivate Students” please find the slides and resources below. Also please feel free to add comments or feedback using the comments options to extend the discussion.
Authentic materials are ‘designed not to transmit declarative knowledge about the target language but rather to provide an experience of the language in use.’
(Tomlinson & Masuhara, 2010: 400)
You can also download the handout from here:
The Best Lesson I ever taught
Here are other links and resources related to the workshop session:
To learn more, visit (you can create an account or simply login as a guest) to download the original files from the materials workshop. You can also discuss things online and continue the session online.
You can download all the materials used in the session from the link below as a .zip file
Here is a link to my presentation marking criteria.
This link will take you to a questionnaire which I created about attitudes to Global Englishes.
And here is a large resolution image of the Shark Attacking a Helicopter!
Global English Lesson Handout
Research and Theory of Authenticity
My first book detailing authenticity (and which explains the authenticity continuum) was called Reconceptualising Authenticity for English as a Global Language and is available here.
My second book about authenticity and motivation, entitled Social Authentication and Teacher-Student Motivational Synergy is available here.
In 2013, participants helped me with my research by contributing their answers to a question about authenticity as part of the evaluation section. I learned that the authenticity continuum was a motivating and empowering concept for L2 language teachers because it allowed them to validate their own variety of spoken English and to view themselves as sources of authentic language.