Here is a list of our current clients and those we have worked with previously.
The Worker’s Educational Association Scotland contacted uniliterate about creating a Blended Learning element to their TESOL training courses in order to improve their reach and access for teachers and trainees in remote areas. We developed a Moodle training course and introduction to Blended Learning specifically for their needs and delivered the course via distance learning using Moodle and video-conferencing software.
uniliterate worked together with the New School of English in Cambridge, UK in order to provide training for teachers in the use of their newly acquired Hitachi Starboards. These innovative new Interactive Whiteboards can really add a whole new dimension to the EFL classroom. Our training workshop initially focused on the basics of using the IWB (calibration, orientation etc) and moved into more specific ideas which are tailored for Foreign Language Teaching. Many companies offer IWB training and support, but uniliterate specialises in lesson ideas and project work which utilises the board in ways practical for communicative and task-based language teaching and learning.
We also gave The News School a half-day consultancy and demonstration on Virtual Learning Environments, in this case Moodle. We focus on how to install and integrate a VLE at the minimum expense, but with a view to getting the most use out of it as a communication tool and student portal to better learning.
Kings Colleges is a large school which teaches many subjects and has a focus on qualifications and English for Specific Purposes. When Kings Colleges decided they wanted to create an eLearning solution for their students they contacted us for a consultation day. We met them at their Oxford campus and spent the day discussing the possibilities, pit-falls, estimated costs and so on. We also took a look at their language lab and discussed ways of bringing it up to date, upgrading the audio facilities and any possible issues that might occur.
After working with Kaplan International for over four years as eLearning Coordinator and Learning Systems Manager, Richard Pinner left the company to work in a Japanese university in Tokyo. He was then hired on as a free-lance materials developer for the online learning courses they offer, Live Online.
As part of the Learning Innovations team at Kaplan International Colleges, Richard was shortlisted for an ELTon Award for Innovation, along with his colleagues.
uniliterate was represented by Richard Pinner at the EUROCALL 2010 conference in Bordeaux, France. He gave a presentation about Teachers’ Attitudes to and Motivations for Using CALL. You can view the presentation here.
Richard also spoke at the CALL 2010 conference in Antwerp, Belgium.