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Here is an updated Bibliography now listing only articles that deal with both Autonomy and CALL or Technology. This list was updated thanks to comments by Steve (see below).

If anyone has experience using technology for Autonomous langauge learning or experience with Online Self-Access Centres (OSAC) please add a comment to the discusion below.

(previous post April 3rd 2010)

Autonomy and technology in the language classroom have a relationship that is backed up by a lot of the literature and research.
Here is a preliminary technology and autonomy bibliography.
Also check here for links to the discussions on autonomy and technology going on at IATEFL (Harrogate, UK, April 2010)

14 Replies to “Autonomy”

  1. Hi engnet. The bibliography is great but not all of them seem related specifically to technology. The Benson and Voller book for example is mainly a discussion about the nature of autonomy. Could you include some more specific information about how some of these relate to autonomy and technology?

  2. Hi TEFLbug

    Thanks for the comment – a good point. I should point out this bibliography is from an essay I wrote for my MA in Applied Linguistics at King’s College – hence the literature review covered a lot of the history of autonomy as well althouhg towards the end I focused on the more technological side.

    I’d recommend Benson “Teaching and Researching Learner Autonomy” and Palfreyman and Smith(Eds.)”Learner Autonomy Across Cultures: Language Education Perspectives” as both have numerous references to technology and autonomy.

  3. It’s posts like this that keep me coming back and checking this site regularly, thanks for the info!

    1. Hi CNA Jobs

      Glad to hear you keep coming back – although I admit things are slow at the moment. I post comments a bit more regularly on twitter, but for an in-depth discussion forums and blogs really are best.

      For a really good resource have a look at the ATALL wikibook (Autonomous Technology-Assisted Language Learning), there is some really good stuff here. Also, a recent book is Learner Autonomy and CALL Environments by Klaus Schwienhorst.


  4. Hi engnet. The bibliography is great but not all of them seem related specifically to technology. The Benson and Voller book for example is mainly a discussion about the nature of autonomy. Could you include some more specific information about how some of these relate to autonomy and technology?

    1. Hi Steve – that’s a very good point you make there. The bibliography is actually one I took from a paper I wrote about autonomy and CALL and as you rightly pointed out, the references are not all specific to autonomy and technology.

      For an excellent and very recent entire book on the subject, I recommend Klaus Schwienhorst’s (2007) book ‘Learner Autonomy and CALL Environments’ which is part of the Routledge Studies in Computer Assisted Language Learning series. This volume is particularly good. Also worth checking is the Autonomous Technology-Assisted Language Learning Wiki Book, created by Gary Cziko (2005) which has a wealth of information and useful articles.

      Below is a condensed list of books and articles which specifically deal with autonomy and technology which is by no means extensive.

      Benson, P. (2001) Teaching and Researching: Autonomy in Language Learning Longman: Pierson Pages 136-141
      Blin, F. (2004) ‘CALL and the development of learner autonomy: Towards an activity-theoretical perspective’ ReCALL 16 (2): 377–395. Cambridge University Press DOI: 10.1017/S0958344004000928
      Groß, A. and Wolff, D.(2001) ‘A Multimedia Tool to Develop Learner Autonomy’, Computer Assisted Language Learning, 14: 3, 233 — 249: DOI: 10.1076/call. URL:
      Figura, K. and Jarvis, H. (2007) ‘Computer-based materials: A study of learner autonomy and strategies’ System 35 (2007) 448–468Holec, 1981: 3
      Kirschner, P. & Selinger, M.(2003) The state of affairs of teacher education with respect to information and communications technology, Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 12: 1, 5 — 17 DOI: 10.1080/14759390300200143
      Little, D. (2001) ‘Learner autonomy and the challenge of tandem language learning via the Internet’.In A. Chambers & G. Davies (Eds.), ICT and Language Learning: a European Perspective, Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, pp. 29-38.
      Little, D. (2007) Language Learner Autonomy: Some Fundamental Considerations Revisited Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching Vol. 1, No. 1, 2007 doi: 10.2167/illt040.0
      Littlemore, J. (2001). Learner autonomy, self-instruction and new technologies in language learning: Current theory and practice in higher education in Europe. In Chambers, A. & G. Davies (Eds.) (2001). ICT and language learning: A European perspective. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger. 39–52.
      Luzón, M. J. (2007) Enhancing Webquest for Effective ESP Learning. CORELL: Computer Resources for Language Learning 1, 1-13.
      Motteram, G. (1997). Learner Autonomy and the Web. In V. Darleguy, A. Ding & M. Svensson (Eds.), Educational Technology in Language Learning: Theoretical Considerations and Practical Applications (pp. 17-24). Lyons: INSA (National Institute of Applied Sciences).
      Paramskas, D. (1993) Computer-assisted language learning (CALL): Increasingly into an ever more electronic world. Can Mod Lang Rev 50(1), 124-143.
      Schwienhorst, K. (2003a). Learner autonomy and tandem learning: Putting principles into practice in synchronous and asynchronous telecommunications environments. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 16 (5), 427-444.
      Schwienhorst, K. (2003b). Neither here nor there? Learner autonomy and intercultural factors in CALL environments. In D. Palfreyman & R. Smith (Eds.), Learner autonomy across cultures: language education perspectives (pp. 164-179). New York: Palgrave Macmillan
      Warschauer, M., Turbee, L. & Roberts, B. (1996) Computer Learning Networks and Student Empowerment, System, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 1-14, DOI: 0346-251X(95)00049-6

      I would like to keep adding to this list so please feel free to contribute any that I have missed off so that I can compile a much more extensive list.

      Thanks so much for the comment – I hope we can continue and expand it online in the future

  5. This is the coolest website and stories that i have ever read…its useful for me as im a lecturer and always motivate my students with these publised stories…thank you …and waiting for plenty more…

  6. Nice one! If I could write like this I would be well chuffed. The more I read articles of such quality as this (which is rare), the more I think there might be a future for the Net. Keep it up, as it were.

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