Authenticity Poster, CAES Faces of English, Hong Kong

Reading Time: < 1 minute

The Social and Individual Flow of Authenticity

Authenticity in the language classroom is approached from a social and existential perspective. In this poster I attempt to reconceptualise authenticity as a dynamic component of language as a complex system, which interacts with motivation, autonomy and self at multiple levels. I propose that authenticity be reconceptualised as a continuum, incorporating contextual and social dimensions. This represents an attempt to shift the focus of authenticity away from a culturally embedded definition to a more dynamic model which focuses on relevance to learners. The authenticity continuum features a stronger emphasis on society, self and identity, thereby attempting to empower learners and strengthen the link between authenticity and motivation.

Here is my poster from the CAES Faces Of English conference in Hong Kong

The Social and Individual Flow of Authenticity
The Social and Individual Flow of Authenticity

I appreciate all of your comments and questions at the poster presentation time between 1-2 on Friday 12th of June. Please see previous posts such as this one and this paper for more information about the Authenticity Continuum.


3 Replies to “Authenticity Poster, CAES Faces of English, Hong Kong”

  1. I have already spoken to several people about the poster and it isn’t even time for the official discussion. I am very grateful to Lisa, Ashley Hazen and Ken Hyland for their interest and kindness. Please post your comments here as well to discuss the poster more online. I would really appreciate any feedback and comments!

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